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2021 marketing tactics that you should not avoid: what are they and why they are important?

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Tactical marketing consists of planning the real activities that improve competitive positioning and that convey an appropriate brand image. Advertising, community building and sales promotions are all parts of a tactical marketing plan. Advertising involves online channels, radio, television and print marketing.The digital marketing is a set of marketing tactics in which electronic means are used to carry out activities of traditional marketing to achieve the goals established by the company. Selecting the best marketing tactics depends entirely on business objectives, target audience and budget.

It is important to define business type from the very beginning. Is it for sale or for services? If you don’t even know what you are doing, it will be difficult for you to establish an adequate strategy. Who are you going to direct your strategy to?Keeping these aspects in mind, we bring you authentic marketing tactics that you should not avoid in 2021.

Content promotion: one of the most crucial aspects

In content creation and promotion, context is the starting point for reaching and connecting with the right audience. All the important elements that surround the process are part of this concept.Know the purpose of the content we promote.One of the most efficient ways to promote content is to know our audience in detail. We must analyze age, economic rankand geographical location and consumption habits.

Each specific service or product requires a specific context for its multi-channel promotion. A campaign on Twitter must be short, direct and powerful, using phrases and hash tags that invite the user to click on the corresponding link, while for audience on Face book we will take advantage of the power of images and videos. You can distribute your content through social media by sharing content, posting it on relevant forums, adding the content to email newsletter, sending the content to influential and potential clients, etc.We must always bear in mind that each platform requires a different treatment.Focus on the details and take advantage of trends. Don’t forget the influence of Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Repurpose your content and make it attractive

You cannot deny the power of digital contents. Audience loves to consume content in several formats. If you publish content on your website, nothing stops you from making the same content in video format. In this way, you will attract more visitors. Using both formats (video-content and articles) will help ranking your site on search engines. It is why repurpose your content and try to make it attractive.If you don’t have the necessary skills or time to produce video contents, try posting your website articles on several social media platforms. This way you will get double feedback. Why don’t you post a tiny part of your article on Twitter by adding the URL? It will create interest and drive readers to your website.

Use the Middleman Method

Often, building direct links to the most important “money pages” is quite difficult. In this sense, applying middle man method would be ideal. Throughout the time, this method has been one of the most promising methods for digital marketers. You should create appropriate link-bait. After that you need to add contextual internal links from that page to your money pages. Depending on your target niche, the type of content will be decided.

Don’t forget to refresh your contents

How many times you like to read the same article, once or may be twice?Most of your articles won’t stay fresh forever. It is likely that more than once you have landed on pages whose information is very old that you end up closing the page instantly.Today’s consumer is demanding and seeks information about the product or service before purchasing it. It will search on social networks and Google to enrich itself with information, to know how good it is, if people are speaking well, and where you can buy it.

It is why your content must be updated and nurtured with information that helps the consumer make a purchase decision. Having updated information on where to buy, the time you attend, shipping modes, telephone number and the most important current information about your product or service are the most important content. Witnessing a certain drop in organic traffic could be a sign that your contents need refreshment.

Google discover and content promotion

One of the best-known search engines worldwide is constantly working to offer new options to users in its mobile version. Therefore, as a business you must learn how to optimize your content for Google Discover (Google Feed). Google Discover integrates videos, images, and topics about entertainment, sports, news and even information about the weather of your location.Here we tell you some of the advantages – visibility of your brand, higher traffic on your website and reach users with mobiles. To be on Google Discover you have to optimize your content –

  • Create quality content in various formats
  • Think in multiple languages
  • Use large images
  • Write original content
  • Add interesting titles
  • Integrate responsive design to your website
  • Include videos.

Focus on keywords for organic search ranking

Beyond being a key tool to create and transmit your messages, there are certain areas of digital marketing in which words become decisive.This happens in the case of the SEO strategy, in which the keywords become the basis for the content you make to have the reception and reach you expect.A keyword can be a single word, although these days it usually refers to specific combinations of words. They are important because search engines respond to them.

The most important thing about keywords in SEO is that they make it easy for potential users or customers to find useful answers to their questions. At the same time, a site optimized for relevant keywords will be able to position itself better in search engine results, which translates into a greater number of visits and higher sales. Incorporate keyword research tool to understand the value of the topic people are typing in search engines.

For your brand to be able to take advantage of this last element, it is necessary that you know how to adapt the keywords based on the objectives of the SEO strategy that you propose. So to help you we show you the rankings according to the main criteria – by search intent, by extension of the word, branded and by concordance. It is essential that you know your buyer personas, their needs and the searches they are doing on the internet. This aspect is crucial since you are interested in attracting visitors who can eventually become leads and customers.

Don’t underestimate the role of featured snippets

A featured snippet is a summary of the response to a user’s query, which is displayed at the top of Google search results. It is extracted from a web page and includes the title and URL of the page.We all know that organic ranking in search is increasingly difficult so it is worth optimizing them, to increase visibility in search results. Most of the featured responses are usually only a paragraph long Google prefers lists and numbers. This is why you often see featured snippet response boxes containing lists, steps, etc.Optimizing for Google Featured Snippets isn’t easy.

  • Find relevant keywords and use the best practices in SEO.
  • Write longer content and structure that content correctly.
  • Brainstorm readers and provide well-researched answers to those questions.
  • Create high-quality images and reload those images regularly.
  • Make sure the website is easily accessible.
  • Build relevant links and optimize your pages for search engines.

However, doing all of the above will not only increase your chances of accessing a featured snippet, but also increase your chances of getting a better organic ranking. You can increase your chances of taking over that snippet by providing a better definition of “back links” on your page.

Have you updated internal links on daily basis?

Internal links are hyperlinks between different pages on the same website. It is an essential SEO practice, although many avoid doing it. In short, internal links are one of the most important techniques to take care of in any on page optimization of a website.Generally speaking, the more internal links a page has, the higher the Page Rank. However, it is not the quantity but the quality of the link, which plays the most important role in strategy today.Linking together relevant pages is highly beneficial for your visitors and your SEO efforts.

What should we do to get a higher pagerank?

For example, suppose the website is a pyramid.Most websites have the same page at the top of the pyramid (their home page). Below that, they have your next most important pages (company, services, products, blog, etc). Below each of them, we have slightly less important pages (individual products and service pages, blog posts, etc.) But it’s not just about linking all pages at one level of the hierarchy to all pages at another. We need to take into account the relevance of each page. Also don’t forget to use relevant anchors for internal links.

Take good care of back links building

Back links have become one of the main components for good SEO practices. Backlink is a link that one website obtains from another.Backlinks have a huge impact on a website’s prominence. It is why they are considered very useful to improve the SEO ranking of a website. Search engines calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results. Back links must be natural. A website must not use artificial ways to create back links to its own websites.

Back links help you get better rankings in search engines. Back links help search engine robots discover links to your site and crawl it effectively.Especially for a new website it is important to get back links as they help in faster discovery and indexing of your site.Your goal should be to get links from relevant and authoritative sites.One of the main benefits of back links is that they help you get referral traffic.

HARO request: keep monitoring and keep responding

HARO (Help a Reporter Out), is a feed of requests from reporters, bloggers and other writers. It initially started as a way to link reporters and writers with confirmed sources. This free resource has flourished and has become a widespread way to gain coverage. Offering information on a topic using original data is an invaluable resource. When you announce that information, others in the industry are likely to want to give their own perspective. And when they do, they are very likely to link to you as the source of the data they will include.

With HARO, you can become the primary source of information, as it is one of the leading link building and PR technique. Keep monitoring the publication and avoid those that aren’t authoritative on HARO. Be choosy by only responding to the request with true source of information. As others are monitoring the same niche, you need to act quickly by responding the request. Don’t think twice before asking your colleagues to join you if they have the smartest answer.

News jacking: it’s time to build links

Link building used to be a status quo for SEO, but Google’s changing algorithms have made link building a whole new game. It’s no longer about quantity. We need to create links from trusted Google domains. The early bird gets the worm. With news hijacking, you take advantage of that idea, fighting to be among the first to publish and comment on the latest news. That top-of-the-line job scores on Google, giving it a temporary boost in Google search rankings. The idea is that if you are one of the first to publish, you are one of the few limited sources available for a given topic.

There isn’t any powerful weapon than News jacking when it comes to reactive PR technique. Building links on top tier domains in the financial/medical space builds trust and authority with Google. Slightly different than HARO, in News Jacking, you constantly need to monitor your niche and publish your opinion before anyone does it.

Guest posting: only select relevant publications

The guest post or the publication of a blog article as a guest author is a fabulous strategy that brings many benefits to online companies and blogs looking to gain authority and improve their presence on the Internet.There are many benefits that writing or receiving guest posts brings you. However, the primary aim of guest posting are – build credibility, drive referral traffic and rank for competitive keywords.

If you dare to give it a try, you will see how SEO off Page benefits your website.Define your goals before making the guest post. Find where to publish your guest post. The blog information should be reflecting your niche. Research the most respected bloggers in your niche. Track your competitors’ back links. Don’t ignore the comments on your posts. Go through social networks. Prepare the theme of your guest post

Email drip campaigns

Email Marketing represents a huge opportunity to strengthen the bond with users, extend the life cycle of communication and make it more effective. And it is precisely in this process that drip campaigns become an indispensable piece. To create these emails you need to be clear about your objectives, know the type of content you will deliver and establish the time and frequency of sending. Each series must be strategically planned to encourage a specific action from the recipient.

So, think about the objectives you’d like to achieve with your emails. Consider these below aspects –

  • Specify what the triggers will be.
  • Define what you are going to communicate according to each trigger.
  • Determine how many campaigns the series will have.
  • Establish waiting times between each shipment.
  • Have an additional action plan that allows you to respond efficiently.

For the visitors, the first action that should be activated is the sending of a welcome message or a subscription form. Don’t wait for the clients to figure it out. Instead, send a reminder email that time is running out for the renewal. Not showing the value of your products or services or how consumers can benefit from them is a great missed opportunity. Send emails with accurate details that create interest.

Have you not thought of sponsorship?

More and more companies are betting on sponsorship or patronage in order to achieve a better brand image. Virtually anything can be sponsored today, through plays, concerts, film premieres, sporting events or teams, business events, forums and congresses, etc. The best way we can explain how a sponsorship will help us improve our brand image is to review the 5 main reasons –

  • They approach their target audience,
  • Sponsorship gives visibility and boosts market positioning,
  • It is a unique occasion to show the product or service they offer,
  • It serves to improve the reputation of the company,
  • Boost community relations.

Many times companies try to sponsor events related to their sector, becoming part of the organizing team. This serves to demonstrate your commitment to customers while expanding information on the use and benefits of your brand. Another way to improve our corporate image through sponsorship is related to media exposure. A part of marketing budget goes towards sponsorships.

It is time to introduce an affiliate program

In a very reduced, succinct and short definition, affiliate marketing is a marketing business model in which your customers become your marketers. It allows anyone to earn commissions when they refer new customers to you. If you need exposure to your business, you need to add an affiliate program, so that affiliates can join to your network and share your service/products. What makes this form of marketing stand out is that it benefits everyone involved.

As for customers, they can find products that they might not have found on their own. While on the marketing, merchant, and network side, everyone gets a share of the sale. Monitor your competitors’ affiliate programs and design your affiliate program according to the trend, demand and publicity. Do the math carefully and don’t rush as it may have consequences. Consult with an expert if necessary. Affiliate marketing programs come in all shapes and sizes.

Utilize the cheap local channels

Almost everyone run their ad campaigns on Face book and Google. But, what if your customers use less saturated platforms? No, we are not talking about local SEO, but aiming to other channels, such as Quora, Brave Ads or Yahoo Answer. The advantage is that these channels are localized according to your business type, buyer persona, geo-location, etc. Even, these alternative search engines work better. Entrepreneurs across the web are using these local channels to sell their products.

Implementation and feedback

Each strategy listed in the “Marketing Tactics” is implemented through various marketing programs. They require budget allocation to different initiatives and properly combine the elements of the marketing mix to achieve the desired result. Strategic documents must include a list of project managers responsible for coordination, as well as meeting budgets and deadlines. The company has to implement effective tools to monitor and track these changes to respond accordingly. Equally important in the overall marketing mix (4 Ps of marketing), price greatly influences the buying decision and helps create the right associations with the brand.


For a small company to acquire a good reputation, it is absolutely essential to work on the keys that determine a good marketing strategy. Portfolio strategy is responsible for setting the course to follow for the establishment of each business strategic unit. It prioritizes the investment of resources depending on the importance of each product at the level of profitability and potential. Segmentation strategy is about deciding in which of the segments (geographic, psychographic, demographic, behavioral, etc) the company will act. Brand positioning is the space that the product occupies in the minds of consumers compared to its competitors. Brand image includes the desired perception that the company wants to create in the minds of consumers. This is developed over time based on a theme that is constantly communicated through different marketing initiatives.

Without successful marketing tactics, your business cannot survive.

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